
We are always seeking companies who share our desire to contribute in some way to the eradication of poverty, marginalization and the injustices that affect so many children around the world? companies who share a commitment to contribute to the projects that PROiNFANTS has been running for over 12 years in Mumbai, in its day centres, residences, in the slums or suburbs.

Together with five reputable local counterparts, our work method is based on the active participation of the local community, including social workers, teachers, cooks, guards, administrative staff, etc. They speak the various languages spoken by the children, and share their cultural roots, thus enhancing the integration of the children. Furthermore, PROiNFANTS
generates jobs for social workers and other staff.

Companies collaborating with PROiNFANTS will be offered:

  • Continuous information on the progress of the projects they are sponsoring.
  • A certificate of the contribution to claim the relevant tax relief.
  • Graphic material from PROiNFANTS that may be included in company reports and catalogues.
  • The possibility of displaying the company brand at all our public events.
  • The possibility of displaying the company logo in our annual activities report and on the PROiNFANTS website, with direct links from both our website and blog to the company.
  • The annual PROiNFANTS report and audit.

Obviously, a collaboration of this kind has many advantages:

  • Your company will be identified has having values, such as solidarity and social responsibility.
  • Greater tax benefits.
  • It helps eradicate poverty.
  • It gives children hope for the future.
  • It contributes to the defence of human rights.

If you would like to discuss how to create a special collaboration with PROiNFANTS, please or email us at

- Regular donations: Fill the

- One-time donation:

a) Fill the


c) Transfer or deposit the required amount to one of Proinfants current accounts. .

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